To get appointed with Simplicity Minneapolis please click on the link:
Ctrl + Click here to start contracting with Simplicity Minneapolis
… and follow the instructions below.
- To start the online SureLC process go to:
- the SureLC Sign In Page by clicking here
- Click on ‘New User’ to create account:
- Enter SSN and last name, click ‘Next’
- Enter date of birth, click ‘Next’
- Enter email address twice, click ‘Next’
- All tabs at the bottom of the screen will need to be reviewed
- The tab is complete when there is a green checkmark (see below). Red indicates a correction is
Confirm all personal contact information is correct.
Update to either Individual, Business Entity, or Licensed Only Agent:
- For a Business Entity, enter the Tax ID (EIN). Once the name appears, click the lock
- Select ‘Retrieve from NIPR’ and complete all required
- There will be 4 tabs shown (see below) that will appear for your corporate
Firm, Licenses, EFT, Contracts
- Click EFT, then ‘Upload Business Voided Check’ and fill in the information required to add corporate EFT
Review all 19 questions by checking ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
- If your answer is ‘yes’:
- A red box will appear asking for date and explanation. Add the full date and click on explanation. You will need to add the explanation you’ve uploaded in the Scan tab by clicking on the plus sign. A minus sign will appear below showing what you will be Click on that document and go ‘Back to Questions’ in the upper left corner of your screen to continue.
All personal active state licenses will appear.
Confirm EFT information OR update:
- To update:
- Click ‘Upload Personal Voided Check’ (left side of screen).
- Enter the Routing and Account number in top left
- Your Bank’s information will automatically appear, click on the ‘check’ to confirm this is
- If the name on your checking account is different, enter that in the box
Nothing is needed under this tab.
Add work history and previous residential addresses.
FINRA and AML training are added in this tab:
- If you are not a registered rep with FINRA, check ‘no’.
- If you are a registered rep with FINRA, click on the ‘yes’ tab and your information will automatically appear; FINRA report will be added to the Scan tab.
- Enter AML training information and certificate, if applicable:
- Add your certificate of completion by clicking on the blue Upload button; this will then be added to your Scan tab and coded as AML.
- LIMRA does not provide certificates but if a screenshot showing completion is available, attach using the Upload button.
Certificate will need to be added:
- Click ‘Add Existing E&O’ in upper right
- Add the policy number, carrier, case limit, total limit, effective and expiration
- Click ‘Add Policy’.
- Click ‘Upload Certificate’ in the middle of the screen to
Everything uploaded will appear in this tab and code to the category you linked it to.
- To Upload:
- Click on the folder labeled ‘Upload Files’ and select your document to
- To change the category:
- Click on the Orange
- Click on the ‘Change Form Type’.
- A large box will appear with all the categories available, click on the type you
- Upload the Signature
- To obtain this form:
- In the Scan Tab, click on tab labeled ‘Forms’ (upper left corner), select Signature Authorization Page and choose to print the form or have it emailed to Write your name in the top space and sign in the box; then upload into the Scan Tab.
- To obtain this form:
SureLC Producer Support
- Step-by-step videos can be found at
- Click ‘Training Materials’
- 877-264-6888, Option 1